13-21 August in SERRA dei CONTI – ITALY
Residency workshop combining Contact Improvisation, Taichi, Tango, Voice & Movement into Physical theatre//
The exponential increase of virtuality in everyday life and in relationships, offers us both the electrical excitement given by infinite possibilities that open up as well as it exposes us to the danger of getting lost in a labyrinth of distorted mirrors. In this workshop we will develop our physicality as a gnoseological path that fine-tunes how we relate to ourselves, others and the nature that surrounds us.
A tree in this sense can be a model of sensibility and “sensibility as such brings into focus not just what we think and say, but also our bodies and feelings” (*Emma Dowling). Inspired by it, we will nurture our sense of presence, deepening our grounding, opening our awareness towards the possibilities that emerge in relation to ourselves and others.
This week long residency workshop will be developed partly in the farm house Il Canto del Bosco, enjoying its gardens, pool and the forests that surround it. And partly in the rehearsal space in the tiny medieval village of Serra de’ Conti, in between Le Marche hills in Italy.
The performance will be shared during Nottenera Festival in Serra de’ Conti (AN), Italy. ( )
Note: It is not mandatory to participate in the final performance.
Cost: Early Bird registration up to July 13th: 230€. After July 13th: 265€.Special discounts for students, unemployed and former participants to Nottenera workshops.
Note: There is no previous experience necessary and no limit in age to participate
INFORMATION: +39 3355384925
and +49 1636383774, when in Italy +39 3331623932
The Farm house Il Canto del Bosco ( ) near Poggio San Marcello (AN), Italy, will host us and offers: bedrooms for 2 to 5 persons + pool + kitchen and grill to cook our own food + beautiful surrounding gardens, forests and a donkey. It is only 10 mins by car to Serra de’ Conti.
The accommodation cost is 15€/night/person. There are also some limited number of tents possible for a cost of 10€/night/person if we are more than 14 participants.
/// Notte Nera Festival ///16-23 rd August / / / Serra Dei Conti 2015
A Summer Workshop Residency & Performance with Javier Cura & Moss Beynon Juckes contact improvisation:::tai chi:::tango:::voice & movement
Decolonizing the Body: the intimate place to which we long to return
As a modern Ulyses, we live in a constant longing to return to what is more precious to us: ourselves, our bodies.
In order to live in our hyper productive consuming society, with imposed needs, desires and working times, we pay a high cost on ourselves and other living beings. Because of that we drift unconsciously immersed in a Sea of Denials.
When as a cause of an incident we are obliged to take a pause and look back, we notice we are far away. As a distracted sailor we suddenly notice we cannot see the land from which we have departed…
In this retreat we choose to take a pause to get in contact with ourselves and others, to get in touch with the Nature that surrounds us and with the sea that nurtures us.
We will enjoy a couple of days in the sea to dive in our aquatic nature, applying the acquired effortless richness of movements to our movements on earth.
We will use elements of contact improvisation, tai chi, tango and voice & movement to connect to our intimate selves. The physical theatre work will allow us to use all these elements for our own creations and share them with others.
As we believe in the power of art to transform, we will assemble these creations in a group structured creation. At the end of the week we will perform at La Notte Nera Festival, in the medieval village of Serra dei Conti, Italy. ( ). Each one can collaborate to the final performance in the way more suited to himself.
Besides, there will be plenty of time to take our trips into nature, to read and write and be by ourselves.
The Farm house La Ragola, ( ) near Senigalia, Italy will host us and offers us: ample studio and roofed galleries to dance and sing, bedrooms for 2 persons + breakfast for 25€/night/person or 20€/night/person if we are more than 12 participants. Jacuzzi, beautiful surrounding
gardens and trips into Nature. It is only 10mins by car to the sea.
Info: or Dates: 16-23 August. Performance: night of 22nd. Goodbye circle mid morning 23rd Cost: Early bird till June 15th 195€. After 220€
About us
After 20 years of researching, experimenting and teaching, Argentine-American artist Javier Cura has developed a methodical approach to Movement in general applying it specifically to Physical theatre, martial arts, Contact and or Tango teaching. He has condensed into this system his experience in different fields and art forms ranging from Visual arts, Theatre, Bioenergetics, Somatic Movement and Linguistics.As a performer, choreographer, artist or teacher you can find him at Contact festivals in Freiburg and San Francisco as well as Fabrik Potsdam Tanztage in Germany, at C.I.R.A in Strasbourg or Alchemie Tango in Prague. He also collaborated on a research about expression in Contact Improvisation at the Berlin Free
Videos: New contact tango video:
New contact tango video Underwater:
Other videos:
Moss Beynon Juckes is a performing artist and musician. She creates projects that bridge the disciplines voice and body, theatre, contact-tango, and music. Performances inc. “One Revolution, Respiration”, Sophiensaelle, Berlin by Christine Borch, “These Associations”, Unilever Series at the Tate Modern, London and “This Variation” by Tino Sehgal Documenta13, Kassel 2012. Month of Performance Art 2012, Acud Theatre, “Wror” by Miriam Welke at the Dresden Festspielhaus Hellerau 2012, Tanz Tag at Potsdam Fabrik with Javier Cura 2012, Oster Improvisation Festival teaching “En-chant; Voice & Body Workshop” in Göttingen. Berlin Contact Impro Festival. Balkan Band “Tralalka” Record Release at the Grüner Salon, Volksbühne, Karnivel der Kulturin, Badehaus supporting Dikanda. “En-chant; Voice & Body Workshop” European Tour. Hlasohled Voicescope- Centre for Voice, Prague. Universität der Künste Berlin for the Fine Art students. Video: